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19 145 significant MP

LMP-DRG 2021 contains 29 173 procedures, out of which 24 733 are terminal. There are 19 145 significant and 5 588 insignificant terminal procedures.

To illustrate the use of LMP we have to go back to 2019, since there are the last available data. 24 485 terminal codes were recorded in LMP-DRG 2019. Out of which 19 108 codes were significant and 5 376 were insignificant. Health care providers reported 3 369 384 MP in 2019. From all terminal codes only 12 162 codes were used in reporting

Allocation of the number of used/unused and significant/insignificant codes in 2019 and 2018 is shown in table 1 and table 2:

Table 1 - the use of codes, divided into significant and insignificant, number of codes 2019

2019počet kódovpočet ZV
kódovaných12 2323 369 384
z toho signifikantných9 549769 982
a nesignifikantných2 6832 587 799
nepoužitých kódov12 253-
z toho signifikantných
9 559-
a nesignifikantných
2 694-

Table 2 - the use of codes, divided into significant and insignificant, number of codes 2018

počet kódovpočet ZV
kódovaných12 252
5 108 982
z toho signifikantných9 369
803 224
a nesignifikantných2 883
4 305 758
nepoužitých kódov11 981
z toho signifikantných
9 507
a nesignifikantných
2 474